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The Solution


When we come to the realization that Jesus has called us as soldiers in his service and yet most of us are just sitting on the sidelines, many Christians desire to take immediate action. For much of our lives, we have sat in bondage, tied down by worries, fears, destructive behaviors and emotional issues. Others have been deceived, happily participating with their captors to their own destruction and to the detriment of those around them. Now is the time to break the chains of your tormentors, and stand up and start taking the fight to them.


Mark this as the day you began taking back control of your life from Satan; the day you truly began turning your life over to Christ's control and loving captivity. This is the day you started restoring peace, and hope, and balance to your life and the lives of those around you. So let's get started.



We will begin with vigilance. We will show you how the enemy works in your life and how to watch for his influence within the problems and challenges you face daily. We will introduce you to a developing concept known as Spiritual Mechanics. We will teach you how Satan and those he sends, works within your personal spiritual system to tempt, influence and even control thought and behavior.




The most important, foundational strength behind the weapons in our arsenal, is the power of Christ's redeeming sacrifice. We will help you attain a more clear and understandable knowledge of this gift and why it is necessary for deliverance from these devils, and how it's power can be applied to your life in overcoming them. The might of his sacrifice can be delivered through specific weapons of our warfare, weapons you should learn to exercise regularly, as a soldier in Christ's service. Some of these weapons are:


Bold Prayer: Through Christ's authority, we will teach you how to transform your prayers into powerful blessings over your life and the lives of those you love. We will turn traditionally timid, petitionary prayer into dynamic testimonies of God's greatness and the certainty of His ability to overcome our problems. We will also incorporate the strength of His promises into these prayers, making them devastating faith building weapons against the devil and his schemes.


Repentance: As one of the most misunderstood concepts, repentance is one of the most powerful weapons in the Christian arsenal. In addition to getting us right with the Lord, repentance begins to disempower the devil in our lives. By tapping into the power of Christ's sacrifice we are released from the debt or control that Satan gains over our lives through our participation in sin. We will teach you to look at repentance differently, and to use it in a sincere yet proactive fashion that will lead to personal improvement, through the adversary's surrender in many areas of your life.


The Spoken Rebuke: We will demonstrate how Jesus used the power of the spoken rebuke repeatedly when facing destructive and evil spiritual influences. He used this weapon to cast out demons, drive out sickness, and in a face to face confrontation with Satan himself. The great power of this process becomes clear when we consider that He even used it to overcome the raging elements of the earth itself. We will show you how to use the rebuke daily to turn the tables on the devil and his minions, and to bring them and their malevolent influence under your command through the authority of Jesus Christ.


The ESAT Process: In the book of Mark chapter 16, Jesus teaches that the removing of demons from those that are spiritually oppressed is one of the main signs of true belief in Him. When we think of Jesus casting out unclean spirits, visions of extremely possessed individuals tend to enter our minds; but what if we are all being gradually possessed by Satan and his demons in a subtle, incremental, cumulative fashion over the course of our lifetimes? What if through repetitive participation in sin, he is able to attach spirits to us and gain greater and greater influence over our thoughts, behaviors and opinions?   Could it be possible that the extreme emotional and behavioral issues we see arising in many of those around us, are the initial symptoms of the beginnings of spirit possession, and that popular psychiatric medications in use today are simply managing or masking those symptoms. Wherever you find worry, stress, emotional and behavioral problems, relationship issues, destructive thought patterns, misfortune, and even chronic illness; there you will find the embedded influence of the devil himself, and that influence always weakens our faith and divides us from God and his presence. It's no wonder that Jesus stressed the importance of removing these possessing spirits from believers. But how would a Christian go about identifying, let alone removing these demonic influences from their lives.

We have developed a process known as the ESAT session or Earthbound Spirit Attachment Therapy. It is a simple yet effective structure within which the power of Christ's sacrifice can be applied in indentifying and eliminating the direct and intimate control that Satan can take over our lives. Wonderful and even miraculous personal transformations can take place within this process and these experiences confirm Christ's assertion that the casting out of earthbound controlling spirits is a key to those who believe in Him. The ESAT session and the power of Jesus' redeeming love is one of the most devastating weapons in our arsenal.


The Family: We will illustrate that the institution of the family is a powerful fortress in the resistance and defeat of evil in this world. The family unit is not a weapon, but it can be a Godly stronghold in protection of God's most precious gifts. It is the place where God's spirit can dwell as he teaches, strengthens, comforts, and unites.


Let's Get Started

It's time for your education to begin, so head on over to our "Details" page to get started right now!


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The Details


Now that we have identified the problem and outlined the solution, it's time for some education. Get all of the details on Satan's approach and the path to his defeat right here.

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The Christian
Family Blog


These are latest articles, tips and ideas on making a better connection with God's love, by disconnecting from darkness.

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